
Archive for October, 2007

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve flown, but this extremely odd October weather presented an opportunity to get back in the air. I couldn’t get the early start that I prefer, though. I thought it might be a good thing to get Co-pilot Egg involved in some sort of volunteer work now that she is a teenager, but everything I looked at required an adult companion due to her relatively low age. Well, if I’m going to be doing it to, there’s only one place to go: we will be volunteering some time at the same humane society where we got Hogarth.

As usual, that kind of thing is easier said than done. While you’d think that dog walking or cat socialization would be things that could be assumed to be second nature to people that, you know, already have a dog and a cat, lawyers (and, to be fair, get-rich-quick litigants) have created a nice little cocoon of cradle-to-grave liability concern for any organization involving more than one person that requires everything to be covered in minute and legally-binding detail. Consider the litany of warnings that make up 90% of the paper that accompanies even the most benign products these days. Today we had to attend an hour long orientation session to prepare us for the hour and a half orientation session that will prepare us for our first exposure to the dangerous and unpredictable domesticated house cat.

After completing that and a couple of honey-do tack-ons (“While you’re out, could you….”) and grabbing half of a sandwich, it was finally time to start thinking about flying somewhere. I poked around the internet for awhile looking for ideas, and finally came up with Beaver Falls International (KBVI), home of the Air Heritage Museum. I think they have a grand total of seven airplanes, many of which are still being restored. When you think about it in comparison to something like the Air Force Museum an hour’s drive away at Wright-Patterson, it doesn’t seem like it’s really worth an hour’s flight, until you break it down to a comparison of the words “drive” and “flight.” Then it all becomes obvious why I’d select the seven plane museum over the 400+ airplane museum.

A quick call to Co-pilot Rick (note the recent promotion to Co-pilot, earned today for a reason that we’ll get to soon) to see if he was interested in riding along, and it was quickly determined that we’d meet at the airport at 1230 hours. That left ample time to make the rounds between the various web-based flight planning aids that I use, and to print off the briefing materials that I’d carry in the plane. Armed with six pages of data, it was off to the airport!

I had hoped for a non-stop flight to Beaver Falls International, and had also hoped that I wouldn’t need to refuel there. I had forgotten that I burned a lot of gas the last time I flew, though, so preflight inspection of the current fuel state axed that plan. Loath to pay the premium price demanded at Bolton, but equally loath to fly in the wrong direction to MadCo where I usually tank up, I took a look at the en route map I had included in my ream of planning materials. Lo and behold, there was Richard Downing Airport (I40) right along the way. Well, I40 is known far and wide as the lowest cost place to buy fuel in the entire state of Ohio, so I decided to take advantage of the fortuitous routing right over it to buy gas at a miserly $4.00 per.

Me, and just about everyone else, as it turned out. Before learning about that, however, I had to get through my first landing using the new flying shoes. It wasn’t bad, but we did catch a very unexpected (and I mean VERY unexpected as there was very little wind to contend with all day) gust in the flare that lifted the right wing in an extremely disconcerting manner at an equally extremely disconcerting point in the flare. Well recovered, though, and I give total credit to the shoes.

So, back to the crowd at the airport. Richard Downing Airport was hosting an event:

While we arrived too late to have any chili (and I’m not convinced it would have been a good idea anyway – chili and hot, bumpy flying don’t always mix, and low-cost chili is only a bargain if you can keep it down until dinner), we were in plenty of time to wait for what seemed like every single airplane on the airport to be fueled before us. It took well over an hour for us to get fueled up and paid up, and by that time I was beginning to wonder if the museum would still be open. It’s a $10 landing fee at Beaver Falls, and it seemed a shame to spend that only to find the seven airplanes locked away for the day.

Luckily, there’s nothing preventing ad hoc adjustment to the planned destination, so another quick perusal of the charts was undertaken and a decision arrived at. Ah, a mere 22 miles away was Harry Clever Field (KPHD), just outside of New Philadelphia. I’ve been there a number of times, and know it to have a very good restaurant right on the field. What with the wonderful Native American Summer (nee Indian Summer, pre-rampant political correctness) weather we’re having, it didn’t seem to matter very much where we went, as long as we were flying:

With the new destination plugged into the Garmin, it was a short hop up to PHD. Harry Clever is another one of those airports that can at times be horribly difficult to find, even with the Garmin saying “it’s right there, you blind fool.”

Sure enough, the Garmin was convinced that we were only 1.2 miles away, but all I could see were highways and Wal-Marts. Just as I was getting ready to throw in the towel and clear the area to the east to make another try from a different direction, Passenger Rick caught sight of the airport and pointed me in the right direction. Rick has been in line for promotion to Co-pilot Rick for quite awhile now, particularly as he proved his mettle in the aborted approach to Mansfield during the MERFI debacle. Having pulled the proverbial bacon out of the fire today, I decided that it was time to make it official.

The restaurant at New Philly is known for their $.99 hamburgers (but few know that adding a slice of cheese, as about 99% of people do, raises the price to $3.99) and that was Rick’s choice. Just kidding about the cheese, by the way. I had a big basket of some of the best onion rings I’ve ever had and a smoked sausage sandwich. I’m going to need an FAA ruling on the beer batter onion rings, though. Is there an “8 hours from rings to wings” rule to mirror the “8 hours from bottle to throttle” rule?

On the way out of the restaurant, I was momentarily confused as to how to navigate my way through the chain link fence back to the airplane. Unfortunately, a couple of ladies were sitting out there and witnessed my brief befuddlement. Trying to retain some measure of esteem, I openly wondered “how to get out of here?” so they wouldn’t think that I always walk around looking like I just walked out of the Cuckoo’s nest.

“Depends on whether you drove in or flew in,” was the response.

“Well, I drove in, but I’m thinking of flying out. Looks easy enough.” With that, I went through the airplane gate.

On the way back to Bolton, I dialed Appleton VOR into the GPS and decided I’d call Columbus Approach on the way back. I couldn’t get high enough to just go over their airspace because of the clouds, but I thought maybe they’d cut a few miles off of the trip around their space if I contacted them and let them vector me around. Sometimes they keep me completely outside their Class C, but sometimes they let me cut down through the alley between CMH and OSU, which not only saves a few miles, but presents the opportunity to take some pictures of local landmarks. It also let’s them tell me if there is any traffic to worry about. I’ll let the next series of photos show you how that turned out:

Approach called United 496 as traffic, my 2:00, 500′ above. He wasn’t hard to find! The Co-pilot grabbed a picture as he zoomed by.

The Ohio State University, home of The Buckeyes.

Downtown Columbus.

Having Approach vector me through the Class C rather than going around probably shaved 5 – 10 miles off the trip. That’s not that big of a deal, but it’s also good practice.

Bolton Tower gave me a straight in approach to 22, which while expedient, seems to always cause me problems. It’s not a normal approach for me, and I always struggle to get slowed down in time. I thought I had done pretty good today, but I still nearly went past my planned turn-off on Alpha 3. I’m going to have to re-think the aim point that I’ve been using – I seem to be landing longer than I usually do lately. Today might have been more a factor of the momentum of the heavier airplane, but still… I shouldn’t be needing quite that much braking to make my turn off.

I wonder if it’s the shoes…

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Happy Hour

Ok, so we have an office happy hour today after work, and I’d love to go, but I have a 35 mile commute home that I have to deal with eventually. This (to me, anyway) precludes the drinking of fermented beverages. Thinking that I might partake of a non-alchoholic brew, I called to ask which brands they carry. Some are no better than sink water, while others are pretty good. Unfortunately, the only one the bar has is O’Douls. I’ve tried it before and found it, well, wanting. But… rumor has it that O’Douls is now “new and improved,” offering a “smoother” taste. “Smooth?” What does that mean? They got the grit out of the original recipe?? Well, a quick web search should answer that question.

Now, it’s not that I’m contrarion and difficult my nature, but truth be told, I came across those traits somewhere. When asked for my birthday to gain admittance to product information for a brew that contains no alchohol, I get a little flippant:

So, the developers that put the code behind this window: what were they drinking??

The rest of my day will, of course, be dedicated to finding out exactly how young you have to be to access this information.

Update: you have to have been born no earlier than Oct. 5, 1856. So, if you’re 152 years old, no dice. 151 year old? Come on in, Gramps.

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I haven’t been flying for awhile, and to fill the void I’ve been working on a gaem review for GamingNexus.com. I specialize to some degree in the flight and racing simulations that come across the editors desk, and this latest fits into the racing genre. Having been introduced to gaming in the Pong era (1972!) and computers back when you interfaced with them via teletype and an acoustically coupled modem, these simulations available today simply astound me.

I’ll post the link to the review when it becomes available, but for now you can watch this PapaGolf Chronicles exclusive video of the game in action:

You may not have noticed, but as I was racing along a few bugs got splattered on my virtual helmet visor. The first really noticeable one was right at the 2:18 mark. At :42 (remaining) I press the button that causes the virtual driver to reach up and pull away a tear-off. It’s little things like that…

The software side of these simulations is miraculous, especially when you consider that a game like this will sell for less than $50. Equally astonishing, though, are the controllers that are used to control the game. I have an amazing collection of joysticks, rudder pedals, throttle quadrants and flight yokes, but the most amazing of all is the racing controller. It has incredible force feedback, so the tactile aspects of the bumps in the tracks, the ridges in the curbs and the different resistance feeling as the front tires start to skid in a turn adds a level of realism that rivals actually being in the car. It’s possible to actually be sore from racing with a wheel this strong. Add to that the choice of paddle shifting ala Formula 1 or a gated shifter as you’d find in a street/stock car and the three pedal floor unit and you start to see why this stuff can be so addictive. Here’s a little video that shows the controller in action:

Did you see how the hands of the simulated driver closely match the movements of mine? Amazing! And that wreck at the end? Well, that’s graphic evidence of why race car drivers don’t carry phones in their cars. You can hear the phone ringing: Egg was calling. These simulations are very accurate, and as with any form of real-world driving, concentration is of the utmost importance.


As requested by Brent, the Saitek Yoke review

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What billion dollar industry survives based on selling products to futiley address (predominately) male inadequecies? Hair replacement? Male “enhancement?” Yes, well, those are true, but I’m actually talking about golfing aids. Do you have a hook, slice, or both at the same time? Not enough distance? Can’t putt straight? There are countless gadgets and aids to address these problems, but most (if not all) are as effective at addressing the fundamental issues of talent and confidence as Dumbo’s feather:

Well, we all know that my flying esteem takes a knee to the sensitive bits every time I land PapaGolf. Not every time, I suppose, but it can certainly seem that way. I have a grab bag of excuses, of course: it was too windy, it wasn’t that windy but it wasn’t a consistent wind, I had a heavy passenger, yada yada yada. Those are good salves, but the underlying rash is still there. Until now, that is.

I’ve decided that what I need to improve my landings is consistent footwear. Yes, I firmly believe that the cause of my problems is that I wear different shoes when I fly, depending solely (heh, get it? Shoe, sole…) on what I am currently shod with when the impulse hits, or in some cases, what I will want to be wearing at the destination. Not any more! After a prolonged search, I have found a pair of shoes that will be blessed as my official flying shoes. Now, you’re no doubt asking yourself exactly what traits are desireble in a flying shoe. Materials? Padding? Flexibility? Fit? No, no, and NO. It’s all in the aesthetics:

Compare the embroidered logo with this one:

I ask you: how can these shoes not improve my performance?

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Lest we forget…

Received via email:

I talked to Missy yesterday she said she saw her brother Mike over the weekend and when she asked him about flying with you he talked about it for a half hour with this huge grin on his face. He said you fulfilled a dream for him.

It can be so easy to forget or to take for granted just how blessed we are to be able to fly our little airplanes, even it if just for a 30 minute hop around the local area.

It’s things like this that serve to remind me.

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